La Nieta, Rioja DOC, Vinedos de Paganos, Eguren 75cl








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La Nieta on valmistatud 100% Tempranillost, mis pärinevad samanimelisest veiniaiast. See viinamarjaaed on istutatud 1975. aastal ning on 1.7 hektari suurune. Aiad asuvad 525 meetri kõrgusel merepinnast. Viinamarjad koristatakse käsitsi väikestesse kastidesse oktoobri teisel nädalal. Saagikus on 23 hl/ha kohta. Enne käärimist leotatakse veinivirret 6 päeva 8 kraadi juures (“cold pre-fermentative maceration”). Käärimine toimub 10 hl suurustes tammevaatides 29 kraadi juures. Ümberpumpamist rakendatakse esimese 6 päeva jooksul kaks korda päevas ning viimase 5 päeva jooksul üks kord päevas. Veinivirre on kestadega kontaktis 14 päeva. Malolaktiline käärimine toimub uutes Prantsuse tammevaatides. Veini laagerdatakse samuti uutes Prantsuse tammevaatides 18 kuud.

Värvuselt on vein purpurpunane. Aroomis on tunda puuvilju, tasakaalustatud tamme noote ja magusaid vürtse. Maitselt on vein ümar, täidlane ja siidine. Tumedate puuviljade noodid on hästi integreerunud tammega. Samuti on tunda happet, mis annab veinile hea värskuse.Vananemispotentsiaal on 20 aastat. Soovitatav serveerimistemperatuur on 18 kraadi ning enne serveerimist peaks veini dekanteerima.


“Rich, dense nose with sweet yellow mango and figs behind it. Lots of Assam tea, plus blueberry, elderberry, garrigue spice and tarragon. Very complex, black-blue and spicy. Nothing red to smell yet, just this ripe yellow mango behind it. In the mouth it remains black-blue, but highly elegant and very fine. The 100 percent new wood disappears behind this extreme freshness. Lots of black cherry in the mouth now. Gently supported by a medium licorice trace, limestone and salt. Then come redcurrant and sour cherry with a brilliant acidity. The balance is clearly more red and fresh. The vintage is very reminiscent of 2019 with this high ripeness and elegant freshness and acidity. 2021 is perhaps a little cooler in character, perhaps even more of a cool climate high-altitude wine. The finish is all black cherry and sweet red cherry. Highly intense, long and dense, but carried by great finesse and delicacy. A very complex, chic and fine wine! Of the entire Sierra Cantabria range, La Nieta is certainly the finest and most elegant wine. I like it very much! It certainly shows Burgundian traits.” Heiner Lobenberg 99 points

“La Nieta is consistently among the best red wines in Rioja, especially in a stellar vintage such as 2021. Made with Tempranillo grapes from a 1.78-hectare vineyard on very poor soils at 575 metres, it expresses what Marcos Eguren calls the ‘purity and minerality’ of the site. Perfumed and refined, with stylish cigar box oak, plenty of acidity and zip, cassis, clementine and blueberry fruit and the tannic structure to age gracefully in bottle.” Tim Atkin 98 points

“The 2021 La Nieta is among the finest wines in its powerful, ripe and generously oaked, modern style of red Rioja. It’s a single-vineyard Tempranillo with 14.05% alcohol, a pH of 3.63 and 5.8 grams of acidity. It comes from the 1.75-hectare vineyard that named the wine. It was planted in 1975 on silt, clay and sandstone soils in Páganos (Laguardia) at 525 meters above sea level and worked biodynamically (but not certified). The hand-destemmed grapes fermented in small 2,000-liter oak vats with yeasts selected from their vineyards and matured in new French oak barrels for 15 months. It felt very balanced, a little shy and undeveloped, elegant and fresh in this slightly cooler year. The grapes ripened slowly and had a full development of aromas and flavors, making the wine more nuanced and complex, while the palate kept very good balance with its freshness. The tannins are very complete and elegant. It opened up with time in the glass to more floral aromas, making it the most perfumed of the wines from the Eguren family that I tasted this time. 5,000 bottles were filled in July 2023.” Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 97+ points

“A naturally concentrated red with a lifted chalky touch to its extremely healthy fruit. Blackberries, blueberries, fine spices, blue flowers, violets, dark olives and minerals. So fresh, juicy and sophisticated, with filigreed tannins that support and melt. Long, subtle and bright. Very linear and elegant in quality. Drink or hold.” James Suckling 97 points

“With personality and sweetness. The color is deep cherry red. Complex, expressive, spicy, mineral, red fruit and ripe fruit on the nose. Full, long and persistent in the mouth.” Guia Penin 97 points