Cupo, Campania IGT, Pietracupa 75cl








Tootekood: 1768A Kategooria:


Sabino Loffredo on Itaalia veinimaastiku üks säravamaid staare. 1993. aastal asutas Sabino isa Pietracupa veinimaja eesmärgiga näidata, et Montefredane mägisel alal (kohati kuni 800m merepinnast) saab valmistada Campania ja kogu Itaalia parimaid valgeid veine. Kokkuvõtvalt on Sabino stiiliks värksed, ilma tammelaagerdusta, väga kõrge mineraalsusega ja pika vananemispotentsiaaliga veinid.

2006. aastal andis Gambero Rosso Pietracupa’le hinnatud ‘Up and Coming Winery of the Year’ tiitli. Aasta hiljem sai Fiano ‘Best White Wine of the Year’ auhinna ning järgneval aastal sai juba Greco maksimaalsed ‘tre bicchiere’. Hiljuti nimetas Gambero Rosso Itaalia üheks parimaks valgeks veiniks just Pietracupa Greco.

Sabinol on 5.5 hektarit veiniaedu ning ta toodab maksimaalselt 50 000 pudelit aastas. Pinnase pealmises kihis on õhuke savi ja liiva kiht, sügavamal aga iidsed vulkaanilised tufo kivimid. Just need vulkaanilised kivimid võimaldavad teha veine, mis on eelkõige üli mineraalsed, õrnalt kriidised, stiilipuhtad, pika elueaga, elegantsed ja suure kontsentratsiooniga. Viinamarjad koristatakse eranditult käsitsi ning kääritamine toimub terasmahutites, kus ka vein 12 kuud laagerdub.


“Cupo is made from Fiano grapes grown in the district of Montefredane, this is perhaps the best wine of its kind. As we said before, it is made by Sabino Loffredo, a tiny producer in Irpinia, and it is in a league of its own. The color is a golden-green, the aroma is intense with distinct notes of bitter citrus fruit and classic mineral, smoky and very typical scents. The flavor is taut, salty, even bold thanks to its excellent body but, at the same time, agile, elegant and easy to drink. Serve at 10° C with thistle or steamed shellfish.” Doctorwine 95 points

“Cupo is made by Sabino Loffredo, a young vigneron who has taken over the family winery. Pietracupa is situated near Avellino in the Campania region, a mountainous terrain with open nature. The production focuses on the grape varieties typical of the area: Fiano and Greco, and Falanghina for the whites, and Aglianico for the red wines. There are only 3 hectares of vineyards, the soil in the vineyard contains a thin layer of clay and sand over a compact core of tufaceous rock from volcanoes that made up the majority of inland Campania. The volcanic rock is responsible for the mineral and chalk elements that make up these incredibly pure wines. These wines are delicious, good concentration and the 2010 has consistent rich fruit.” Mesubim 95 points

“For several years now, the wines of Pietracupa di Sabino Loffredo have been among the best Italian whites, a true certainty for those looking for wines that combine acidic tension, mineral density and aromatic richness. The pinnacle of production is undoubtedly the Cupo , a fiano that is born in the Toppole cru in Montefredane , refined exclusively in steel. The 2010 vintage confirms the very high qualitative consistency of this label, even when, as in this vintage, it presents itself in a different version from those we are used to knowing, more linear and citrusy, smooth, less rich and compact than other vintages, but with extraordinary flavor, dynamic, fresh and very long. One of the pinnacles of Italian white wine production.” Paolo Zaccaria 4 Stars