Tempo d’Angelus, Bordeaux AC, Chateau d’Angelus 75cl









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Tempo d’Angélus on kaasaegne ja rafineeritud Bordeaux punavein, mis väljendab endas kuulsa Château Angélus veinimaja stiili ja käekirja. Vein pakub harmoonilist balanssi värskuse, puuviljasuse ja elegantsuse vahel, suurepärane sissejuhatus tutvumaks Chateau Angélus’e stiili ja kvaliteediga.

Vein on valmistatud 90% Merlot ja 10% Cabernet Franc viinamarjadest, mis on saadud eksklusiivselt Chateau Angeluse omandis olevatest veiniaedadest. Need aiad osteti 2017. aastal spetsiaalselt Tempo d’Angelus veini valmistamiseks. Veiniaiad asuvad Castillon-la-Bataille, Saint-Magne-de-Castillon ja Sainte-Colombe külade läheduses vaid mõne kilomeetri kaugusel Saint-Émilion’ist. Veiniaedade pinnases leiab rohkelt suursugust savi-lubjakivi segu, kõrgematel mäenõlvadel leiab rohkelt vulkaanilise tegevuse käigus tekkinud kivimit tuff’i ja sõmerat kruusa. Väga eriline pinnasekoostis ja lõunapoolse asetusega järsud nõlvakud pakuvad Merlot viinamarjade ideaalsele küpsemisele suurepärased tingimused.

Tempo d’Angelus valmistatakse ja laagerdatakse 18 kuud uues veinikeldris, mis on spetsiaalselt disainitud ja ehitatud selle veini tootmiseks. Uus kelder asub kuulsas Chai Carillon’is, kus valmistatakse ka Chateau Angelus’i “teine vein” Carillon d’Angelus ja “kolmas vein” No. 3 d’Angelus, seal on võimalik kasutatada kõige kaasaegsemaid veinivalmistamise tehnoloogiaid ja Chateau Angelus’e hindamatut know-how’d.

Veinil on särav ja tume rubiinpunane värvus, milles purpuri varjundid, selge vihje veini nooruslikkusele ja intensiivsusele. Aroom on avar ja ilmekas, isuäratav segu punastest ja mustadest marjadest nagu vaarikas, punane kirss ja põldmurakas, lisaks on tunda lillelõhna ja vürtse nagu must pipar ja lagrits. Veini avanedes lisanduvad delikaatne seeder ja vanilje, mis tuleb tammelaagerdusest. Maitse on isuäratav, hästi balansseeritud, pehmed tanniinid ja värske happesus hoiavad veini nõtke ja elava. Suurepärane puuviljasus, milles mahlased punased kirsid, mustsõstar ja küpsed ploomid. Keskmise täidlusega, velvetise tekstuuriga, taustal elegantne vürtsikus ja tammevanilje, mis toetavad veini komplekssust. Lõppmaitse meeldiv ja pikalt püsiv, ilus balanss puuviljasuse ja pehmete tanniinide vahel, värskete puuviljade maitsed segunevad hästi delikaatse vürtsikuse ja tammevaniljega. Tempo d’Angélus on mõeldud joomiseks noorelt, kuid võib julgelt veinikeldris hoida 5 – 7 aastat, headel aastatel isegi rohkem.

Tempo d’Angélus on kergelt joodav elegantne Bordeaux, mis väljendab selgelt Chateau Angélus’i käekirja ja unikaalsust nooruslikus ja värkusest pakatavas stiilis. Vein pakub küllaldaselt naudingut nii algajale veinisõbrale kui ka kogenud veinieksperdile. Suurepärane kaaslane väga laia valiku toitudega või sobib nautimiseks niisama koos heade sõpradega. Oma elava puuviljasuse ja balansseeritud stiiliga on Tempo d’Angélus suurepärane lisa Château Angélus veinivalikusse. Tempo d’Angelus esimene aastakäik oli 2019.


2020 Vintage Reviews

“A tight, linear red with lots of currants, salt and cloves on the nose and palate. Really spicy. Medium-bodied with firm, polished tannins and a flavorful finish. A new wine from the owners of Chateau Angélus, from the area of Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux.” James Suckling 92-93 points (2020 vintage)

“From south-facing holdings in the Castillon-Côtes-de-Bordeaux AOC that are declassified into generic Bordeaux, the 2020 Tempo d’Angélus exhibits aromas of sweet red berries and cherries, followed by a medium to full-bodied, pure and vibrant palate animated by lively acids and concluding with a chalky finish.” Wine Advocate 90 points (2020 vintage)

“Coming from the Castillon region and 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc, the 2020 Tempo D’Angelus from the team at Angelus offers outstanding quality as well as the pure, balanced, vibrant style of the vintage. Ripe black raspberries, flowers, and lots of salty, mineral-like nuances define the aromatics, and this medium-bodied, elegant 2020 has ripe tannins and a great finish. It will drink well for 8-10 years.” Jeb Dunnuck 90 points (2020 vintage)

“Touch of reduction on first nose (this uses the Diam cork closure and is very much worked on the reductive side). Good energy, cool blue and red fruits, slightly austere but bright and cheerful with good tension, easy to recommend. 40% new oak, second vintage, from vines located in Castillon.” Jane Anson Inside Bordeaux 90 points (2020 vintage)

“Strongly herbal on the nose which also shows soft black fruits. You can smell the limestone aspect, plus pencil lead, graphite, crayon and some green notes. Pure and clean, this has a lovely, bright and really quite marked acidity, vibrant and almost searing on the palate. Spiced and straight, a little bit of bite. Razor-sharp for the moment, a nice coolness to it. I love the straightness, very typical of its terroir. Focused and serious. Still structured, nicely built, a gourmand touch, tannins are integrated, providing support, but still quite a sleek frame in terms of drive from start to finish. Feels serious.” Decanter 90 points (2020 vintage)


2019 Vintage Reviews

“A delicious savory red with blackcurrant chocolate and cedar aromas and flavors. It’s medium-bodied with fine round tannins. Fresh and bright. It opens at the end and becomes chewy and intense. Give this two or three years to soften but it’s already focused.” James Suckling 93 points (2019 vintage)

“Rustic nose, a hint of perfume, but focuses on vanilla, clove and liquorice. Lovely texture in the mouth with chewy tannins around deep, soft and smooth red fruits, cooling menthol and spiced wood notes at the back. Precise winemaking on show, all quite detailed and in balance. 40% new oak, the rest aged in steel tanks. 90% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Franc. Drinking Window 2023 – 2035.” Decanter 91 points (2019 vintage)

“Stéphanie de Boüard-Rivoal, the president of Angélus, was excited to introduce this brand-new, great-value addition to the Angélus stable. “The grapes of Tempo d’Angélus are exclusively sourced from vines belonging to Château Angélus, namely from plots acquired in 2017 for this very purpose and which are located in Castillon-la-Bataille and Sainte-Colombe, a few kilometers from Saint-Émilion, on magnificent clay-limestone slopes. It is vinified in a cellar specifically designed for it, within the ‘Chai Carillon,’ in which it benefits from state-of-the-art technology and all the savoir-faire of Angélus.” Deep garnet-purple colored, the Tempo d’Angélus charges out of the gate with bold notions of plum preserves, fresh blackberries and Morello cherries, plus hints of tilled soil, black olives and truffles. The medium to full-bodied palate has a beautifully velvety texture and a racy backbone supporting the generous black and red berry layers, finishing earthy. Very impressive for this price point!” Wine Advocate 90-92 points (2019 vintage)

“A value-priced release from this brilliant estate, the Tempo D’Angélus comes all from vines owned by Château Angélus and is based on 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc aged 18 months in barrel. It’s well worth seeking out and has a dense purple hue to go with classic Right Bank Merlot black cherry and black raspberry fruits, tobacco, cedarwood, and floral nuances. Rich and medium to full-bodied, with good mid-palate density and a great finish, it should certainly be an outstanding wine.” Jeb Dunnuck 89-91 points (2019 vintage)