Solaia, Toscana IGT, Antinori 75cl



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Solaia on koos Sassicaia, Ornellaia ja Massetoga Itaalia üks prestiiûemaid veine ning tähendab tõlkes “the sunny one’ ehk ‘päikeseline’. Solaia on Antinori Tignanello veinimõisa 20 hektari suurune veiniaed, mis asub 350-400 meetri kõrgusel merepinnast, kus pinnases on rohkesti lubjakivi ja savi. Solaia esimene aastakäik oli 1978 ning esialgu oli vein Cabernet Sauvignoni (80%) ja Cabernet Franci (20%) põhine, kuid mõni aasta hiljem hakati kasutama ka Sangiovese’t. Solaiat toodetakse vaid väga headel aastatel ning näiteks 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984 ja 1992 veini ei toodetud. Aastane toodang on keskmiselt 7500 kasti.

Solaia on valmistatud 73% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Sangiovese ja 7% Cabernet Franc viinamarjadest. Kõik marjasordid on korjatud eraldi (septemri lõpust kuni oktoobri alguseni) ja igast sordist tehakse ka eraldi vein. Kääritamine toimub aeglaselt 6000 liitri suurustes tammemahutites, 100% malolaktiline kääritamine, laagerdumine 228 liitri suurustes Prantsuse tammevaatides 18 kuud, 100% uued vaadid, viimases etapis valmistatakse alles lõplik segu.

Solaia aroom on väga soe, samas delikaatselt värske, tunda on magusaid ploome, mustsõstart ja morello kirssi. Maitses on tunda küpseid punaseid marju, šokolaadi, kohvi ning vürtsikust. Väga siidised ja pehmed tanniinid, täidlane ja rikkalik struktuur. Tänu ümaratele tanniinidele on tunda õrna magusust, kuid meeletu happesus annab veinile suurepärase tasakaalu ja ülipika järelmaitse.


“This has a complex array of blackberries, black cherries, cocoa, dried herbs, slate, tobacco, olives and charred bark. Some dried roses and iodine, too. Medium-to full-bodied with firm yet refined tannins. Powerful, in an understated way. Long. 73% cabernet sauvignon, 7% cabernet franc and 20% sangiovese. Try in 2025.” James Suckling 98 points

“The Marchesi Antinori 2019 Solaia is another blockbuster success from Tuscany’s leading wine estate. The blend sees a slightly higher percentage of Cabernet Franc and a slightly lower percentage of Sangiovese. The current mix is 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Sangiovese and 10% Cabernet Franc (which has been creeping up in recent years, especially as the climate changes). The soils at the Solaia vineyard are rich in Galestro rock, which is an especially happy pairing with Cabernet Franc in particular. Managing Director Renzo Cotarella tells me that that a vintage like 2019 is proof that the final character of a wine comes from its surrounding territory, not from the blend. This is a generous and extremely expressive edition with lots of dark fruit, spice and sweet tobacco. The tannins are beautifully velvety and soft. This is a beautiful wine that collectors will love.” Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 97 points

“The 2019 Solaia is fabulous. Deep and exquisitely layered, the 2019 is so expressive right out of the gate. Succulent dark cherry, plum, licorice, incense, pipe tobacco, chocolate and grilled herbs all take shape. Here, too, the aromatics are alluring. Cabernet Franc is bumped up a bit in the blend, and that works so well here. Solaia is often a bombastic, intense wine. The 2019 is incredibly refined and buttoned up. Readers will have to be patient. The 2019 Solaia is the sort of wine I would like to spend a whole evening with. Aging was 18 months in 100% new French oak.” Antonio Galloni 97 points