Sassicaia, Bolgheri Sassicaia DOC, Tenuta San Guido 75cl
303,80 €
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Sassicaia on markii Mario Incisa della Rocchetta ja veinikonsultant Giacomo Tachis’ise loodud maailmakuulus vein, mis oli esimene ja kindlasti kõige mõjukaim kaasaegne tammevaadis laagerdatud punavein Itaalia veinivalmistamise ajaloos. Pikki aastaid valmistati Sassicaiat vaid oma pere tarbeks, esimene ametlik aastakäik, mida maailmale esitleti oli 1968. aastakäik ja seda valmistati kokku 3000 pudelit. Veini maailmadebüüt oli äärmiselt edukas, paljudel erinevatel degusteerimistel oli Sassicaia esimeste seas ja seda peeti tihti tippklaasi Bordeaux veiniks. 1983. aastal suri Mario Incisa della Rocchette ja veinimaja juhtimise võttis üle tema poeg markii Nicolo Incisa della Rocchetta. Nagu paljusid tänapäeva kuulsaid “super-toscana” veine, tähistati ka Sassicaiat alguses lihtsalt “vino da tavola”, mis hiljem tõsteti IGT kategooriasse. Tänu veini ülemaailmsele kuulsusele ja kõrgele kvaliteedile, omistati Tenuta San Guido mõisale 1994. aastal seninägematu piirkondlik staatus, veinimõisale ja veinile anti täiesti oma Bolgheri Sassicaia DOC kvalifikatsioon. Anda ühele veinile oma piirkondlik kvaliteedistaatus, see on tänaseni väga haruldane nähtus kogu maailmas.
Tenuta San Guido veiniaiad asuvad Toscana veinipiikonna Bolgheri alamtsoonis. Veiniaiad hõlmavad kokku 75 hektarit, valdus on jagatud mitmeks erinevaks osaks, Castiglioncello, Doccino ja Quercione aiad asuvad 200 – 300 meetri kõrgusel merepinnast, San Martino ja Mandrioli aiad asuvad mäenõlvakutel pisut madalamal kõrgusel ja Sassicaia ja Aianova sektorid asuvad 80 meetri kõrgusel merepinnast. .
Sassicaia on valmistatud 85% Cabernet Sauvignon ja 15% Cabernet Franc viinamarjadest. Veinipuude keskmine vanus on umbes 50 aastat. Marjaleotus ja käärimine (lisamata pärmi) leiavad aset roostevaba terasest 35 – 110 hektoliitri suurustes mahutites ja protsess kestab 9-12 päeva. Ka malolaktiline kääritamine toimub terasmahutites. Vein laagerdub 225 liitri suurustes Prantsuse tammevaatides 24 kuud, nendest kolmandik on igal aastal uued vaadid, pudelis küpseb vein veel vähemalt 12 kuud.
Vein on kontsentreeritud aroomiga, maitselt elegantne ja ideaalselt balanseeritud struktuuriga ja väga rikkalik. Maitses meenuvad marjasordile omane mustsõstra karakter koos tammevanilje nüansiga ning tanniinid on väge siidised. Järelmaitses tuleb esile münt, seedripuu ja sigarikarp. Väga pika vananemispotentsiaaliga vein, mis võib veinikeldris küpseda 30 – 40 aastat. Serveerida 17-18 kraadi juures Riedeli Bordeaux klaasist.
“Ruby red colour, compact and brilliant. The nose has clear notes of blackberries, with slightly wild notes of marjoram, floral nuances of peony and an iodine-balsamic finish. In the mouth, crunchy red fruits, tannins that combine well with the fresh-salty component, balsamic and liquorice on the finish, excellent drinkability. A wine that will last a long time.” Luca Gardini 99+ points
“A very fragrant Sassicaia on the nose with forest floor, citrus and dark fruits. Blackcurrants. Cedar wood and black tea. Some balsamic vinegar. Pine needles. Full and very juicy. Very long, structured and complete. Spicy and energetic with a linear line of fresh tannins and acidity. Very Sassicaia throughout. 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest Cabernet Franc. Very attractive now in a youthful and lively way, but this will be better in three to four years. Try it after 2027.” James Suckling 97 points
“The Sassicaia 2020 is a bold, rapturous wine. Dark, fleshy and expansive on the palate, the 2020 offers flavours of blackberry jam, gravel, spices, new leather, liquorice and crème de cassis. The powerful tannins are almost masked by the sheer intensity of the fruit. The 2020 seems to have an extra dimension of textural intensity. An intensity that is very appealing.” Antonio Galloni Vinous 97 points
“Complex aromas and flavours of blackcurrants, blackberries, iron, sweet tobacco and Mediterranean herbs are the hallmarks of this elegant, exciting red wine, which already reveals a lot, but still appears restrained, as if there are still many facets to discover. It is characterised by harmony, freshness and a long finish.” Wine Spectator 97 points
“The frost damaged the earlier developing Cabernet Franc at the end of March, resulting in lower production but excellent quality fruit. The spring was mild and the summer generally warm, but a rapid acceleration of ripening in late summer forced the team to start harvesting in the first week of September to avoid over-ripening. This traditional blend of 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Cabernet Franc is characterised by an intense and balsamic taste that highlights the character of blackcurrant, dust, leaves and cedar. It is balanced and light-footed, with super-fresh acidity and a fine-grained, almost imperceptible tannin structure. Ripe and tangy raspberry and blueberry fruit linger on the mid-palate, leading to a long, fresh finish with notes of cream and chocolate. This wine will be worth cellaring into the 2050s, but it will also give great pleasure in its youth. We recommend keeping it in the bottle for at least 10 months before opening it,” says Priscilla Incisa della Rocchetta.” Decanter 97 points
“The Tenuta San Guido 2020 Bolgheri Sassicaia will appeal to those seeking a more voluptuous, opulent and ultimately more approachable wine. This vintage is a precise reflection of coastal Tuscany, as opposed to a more generic “Tuscan” wine from other parts of this great central Italian region. You can taste the ripeness and soft fruit weight that comes from a coastal appellation with particularly bright light and warm Mediterranean breezes. Sassicaia from the cooler vintages is known to be a restrained wine in its early years, requiring a long lead time before it fits into an ideal drinking window. This is definitely not the case here. This wine is beautiful and compelling from the start. It shows a lovely blend of dark fruits, oak spice, balanced freshness, rich texture, soft tannins and a skilfully controlled alcohol level of 14%. The immediate character of the wine is what characterises this vintage and I wouldn’t get too carried away with over-ambitious cellaring. The wine is a pure pleasure in its current form, with an overwhelming primary fruit and a high intensity in the near and medium term.” Wine Advocate 96 points