Clos Apalta, Apalta DO, Domaines Bournet-Lapostolle 75cl



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Clos Apalta kuulub Prantsuse perekonnale Marnier-Lapostolle, kes muuhulgas omab ka likööritootjat Grand Marnier. Mõisa esivein Clos Apalta esimene aastakäik oli 1997. Väga ühikese ajaga on vein saavutanud uskumatu edu. Clos Apalta on olnud korduvalt Wine Spectatori Top 100s, sealhulgas kolm korda Top 3s hulgas ning ainukese Lõuna-Ameerika veinina ka ühe korra esikohal.

Clos Apalta asub Colchagua orus, 200 km Santiagost lõunas. Veiniaedu ning veini valmistatakse orgaanilisi ja biodünaamilisi printsiipe järgides. Carmenere ja Cabernet Sauvignoni veinipuud on pookimata prephylloxera aegsed, istutatud 1920.

2018. aastakäigu vein on valmistatud 64% Carmenere, 18 Cabernet Sauvignon ja 18% Merlot viinamarjadest. Matseratsioon kestab 4-5 nädalat, rakendatakse ka “punch down” meetodit, 70% veinist kääritatakse 75hl suurustes Prantsuse tammemahutites ja 30% veinist kääritatakse 100% uutes Prantsuse tammevaatides, käärimise temperatuur ei ületa 28 kraadi. Pärast alkoholkäärimist laagerdub vein kokku 24 kuud Prantsuse tammevaatides, 85% uutes ja 15% kord varem kasutatud, seal toimub malolaktiline käärimine.

Aroomis on tunda küpseid punaseid ja musti marju, ploome, punaseid kirsse, kuivatatud viigimarju, mustikaid ja õrnalt musta pipart. Tanniinid on siidised ja lihvitud, pikk ja rikkalik järelmaitse. Aastane toodang on 5000 kasti. Soovitav on vein kindlasti dekanteerida ning serveerida 16-18 kraadi juures. Toitudest sobib ideaalselt metsloomalihaga, lambaga ning erinevate steikidega, samuti rohke kakaosisaldusega šokolaadi magustoitudega.

James Suckling 98 p
Decanter 97 p
Wine Advocate 96 p
Antonio Galloni 96 p

“So aromatic and fresh with dried flowers, sweet tobacco and hints of straw. Red fruit, cloves and green peppercorns. Medium-to full-bodied with fine tannins that are very fresh and refined. Fine, silky and beautiful. Hints of minerals and granite to the dark fruit. Such gorgeous length and beauty. 64% carmenere, 18% cabernet franc and 18% merlot. Extremely long and poised. Cooler wine. From biodynamically grown grapes. Delicious to drink already, but another three to four years will make it even better.” James Suckling 98 points

“In 2019 Andrea León achieved superlative results at Clos Apalta with a blend of 64% Carmenere, Cabernet Franc and Merlot aged for 25 months in French barrels. This is a luxurious red with an aromatic profile of liquorice and black and redcurrant over layers of graphite, clove and cinnamon. In the mouth, the breadth and freshness are brought together by the silky texture which flows into an enjoyable finish with refined tannins.” Decanter 97 points

“There is a lot of Carmenere character on the nose of the 2018 Clos Apalta, which was produced with 64% Carmenere, 18% Cabernet Sauvignon and 18% Merlot, a blend that is similar to the one used in 2016. The wine is not shy at all and hits the scale at 15% alcohol. It’s showy, heady, hedonistic, aromatic, full-bodied and lush with abundant velvety tannins and a long and powerful finish where the notes of black peppercorns and tea and tobacco leaves dominate. This might not be a wine for everybody, but fans of the style will love it.” Wine Advocate 96 points

“The 2018 Clos Apalta is 64% Carménère, 18% Cabernet Sauvignon and 18% Merlot from Apalta, Colchagua, aged for 24 months in 85% new barrels. The ripe, complex, clear nose offers prune, blueberries and blackberries along with pepper, tobacco, rosemary, cigar box and a whiff of smoke. Creamy and broad in the mouth with good volume, a firm flow and contained structure. The tannins set the tone while the mellow freshness underlines the sugary profile. A genuine Michel Rolland wine made during a year of subtle flavors.” Antonio Galloni Vinous 96 points